Monday, July 30, 2007

Sorry Jen and Melissa but I've met Sara's real sisters

Today we woke up .. sort of.. Tyson actually was still sleeping when i got up hard to believe i know brace yourselves.. but after lying in bed for about 7 days straight my back just couldn't take it and i was lying restlessly wondering where this god awful music was playing from outside.. . Oh ok let me back up iv'e just been reminded by the documentry personage that i need to back up and start from the train ride from st.petersburg to Kiev. The train ride was well it was as good as you can think of being on a train and sick. We laid there, Tyson read (let me repharse that.. Tyson read my book the 6th harrypotter because he finished his.. but i didnt mind to much because i just slept). We barely ate on the train.. just some dried bagle or whatever it was and some juice. Tyson was mad that we didn't have boarder control in between russia and belarus. I was fine with it.. i didnt want the train to stop in case i had to go to the bathroom and then they lock the bathroom and well you get the picture. Anyways our two compartment mates where 2 men whos name were the same .. both Sergi. One was a medic... we think like paramedic or something but he didnt seem to care that we were ill, and the other a lawyer who talked an awful lot (he knew some english) however he drank too much and was very dramatic in his talk and loud. Not the best thing when you are sick and we really aren't the most sociable drinking type of train mates even in the best of times. So we entertained the Sergi's for awhile as he was asking questions about how can i be ukrainan when i dont even drink vodka or eat borsh or know the correst word for perogies because apparently they have no idea what the heck you are talking about when you mention perogies they look at me funny. I told them my grandmothers maidan name Yarsh and apparently that is polish and again they questioned me and i got a little scared that maybe i wasn't ukrainian. I said poland and Ukraine are close enough and i know that she was from Ukraine so beat it! They also wondered why Tyson had no religion .. i felt kind of awakward as he was really mad at this and we said it was no problem and that he just wasn't raised in a religious family. I was ok though because apparently catholics and orthadox are friends. He then made us listen to his orthadox heavey metal music .. which i can't understand either.. the orthadox priests scare me a little with there large hats and there long hair and beards. Finally after he kept telling us to take Vodka to heal our stomachs he let us to go sleep. Only to be awoken by asking "8miligrams of vodka... make you better.. want some.. i go get", we shook our heads saying NO THANKS! He was kind enough to bring us back juice boxes instead.. maybe they had vodka in them who knows. The rest of the train was uneventful.. the boarder guys came and stamped our belarus visa after checking it thoroughly and insepcting that it was real.. we were a little worried.. but none the less the stamp came out .. Then about 30 minutes on the other side into Ukraine they came and stamped us.. this was easy as no visa was required, and then a guy came and checked our bags and wasn't even concered or nothing.. just said clothes and we nodded our heads and he said ok. Nothing like the boarder crossing the train from kazakhstan to Russia that was some seriousness.

So the Orthadox heavey metal lover lawyer Sergi kindly helped us get a taxi because we didn't have a map yet or anything. So to our hotel we went. We had one night already pre booked from Canada and once we got to the hotel we had pasta and watched some bbc and went to bed. Still not feeling 100%.

The next day we had some things to do.. well not really just looking for some atm's and interent and such ... and then still not feeling well so read and watched tv in the hotel and had more pasta and then bed. Funny thing was that just after we'd settled down to use the internet a guy from the southern states came in and started talking to the business center lady about making phone calls back home and such. He couldn't see us, or rather didn't turn around to see us and I think that he felt he was alone with this young lady, because he breaks into this long sob story that I had to stop myself from laughing out loud over a number of times. It goes something like this. This poor man is home in the US and is searching the internet for a companion you know someone he can love and share his life with, with requirements of being young (under 30) as he was into his 40's for sure and hot. Well over 250 women emailed him in return, no word of a lie, from Moscow, Minsk, Kiev, Prague etc. Well he settles on this one through an agency, so he knew that he wasn't being screwed around. They wrote emails and she said that she loved him and really looked forward to seeing him. Well this went on for a while until he decided that this was the girl for him. At this point she informed him that for her to come back to the US with him she needed to get a bunch of paperwork done, very believable story for being in this part of the world. So he sent her some money, but not all her papers were in order so he sent some more money. Next when that was arranged she needed money to buy a plane ticket and to get her hair done. So this money was sent to her. Then this poor chap flew over to Kiev to meet her. So the night before he's waiting in the lobby, and she's a little late. And when she finally does show up she is nothing like she said she was going to look like, and she didn't seem to happy in him either. Any way you look at it, she was not into him and I'm pretty sure she left him standing there. What makes the story funny is that while this is going on the guy is hitting on the lady at the business center by saying "you won't do something mean like that, you are pretty and I can tell you are a nice girl." Kinda creep. But this guy was mad that he had been ripped off by this girl as he said, "you shouldn't just say you love someone or that you want to see them, not right away anyways." The whole thing boils down to the guy had called the FBI in the US who said they had much more important things to deal with, and was currently trying to track down other local and international law agencies to help track this scam artist down and bring her to justice as this sorta thing would not fly in the great US of A.

We're being removed from the internet, so more tomorrow.

On the title, I've seen a number of girls here that look very similar to Sara hence the title.

Sara and Tyson

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