Friday, July 27, 2007

Got off a train .. only to be hit by a train

Not really, but we were hit by the flu train. Sara got off the train in St.Petersburg tired, and in want of a nap. We dropped our bags at the hotel, and ate our breakfast that we had from the train. Free food from the train, I know crazy but true. Then we had a nap and planned our attack on St. Petersburg from the Summer Gardens, well Tyson planned and Sara napped. We decided to take in the Hermitage that day and just walk around downtown, and see some catherdral. We got to the Hermitage and got into the massive line, but when we finally got to the ticket counter it was free!!! So off we went throught the packed halls. Seriously wall to wall of tourists all pushing and shoving to get the best view of the famous things. Now I've seen and saw the famous ones, but they are so full of people and you can hardly get a glance before you are shoved out of the way by the masses. It really wrecks the experience. Anyways as we went, mapless throught the hermitage Sara started to fade. I know we didn't see half of the place or really looked at more than a couple of things, but the place is massive, it would take weeks. So we left and started walking towards the hotel. Sara was feeling quite poor by this time and I had to support her some of the time. We finally arrived, and put her to bed. She was burning up with a fever so high that if I put the number down here someone at home may worry too much. Between the cold towels, puking, diaraha, Tylenols, and shakes Sara slept. The next morning I too woke up much worse for wear, and after taking some drugs of my own sleep till 5 in the afternoon. This was fine except that our room was filled with at least a dozen misquotes that we were too weak to fight off, or track down and kill. They woke us, and ate us at will. We are currently covered head to toe in itchy little red marks. The day after that we started to recover slightly. I was able to read most of the day as was Sara, but even going down the block for water and dry bread was a struggle. Poor us. We considered a doctor, but decided that since we were already better than yesterday, and we didn't what to deal with finding an English doctor and the Health Insurance crap.

Today I woke up feeling better, only to try and get up and do something, big mistake. Still lightheaded and achy. Sara is the same way although she continues to poo, which I don't know how it is possible since we've eaten soo little. We had to get up as today we have to take our train to Kiev in the Ukraine, as our Russian visa is set to expire and I would hate to be caught here and have to deal with all that problem. So we slowly packed, arranged a taxi to take us to the train station in the evening and wandered slowly to find an internet spot to let people know we are alive.

St. Petersburg we have basically missed, but I let you know what we did see. The place was built all in the 18th Century, everything basically so all the streets look the same with beautiful 18th Century Architecture. However every second building is currently undergoing reconstruction not to replace them but to make them look like they are not falling down any more. Even the ones that have been fixed are only fixed on the street, for if you look into the courtyard they are still falling down. All the 18th Century architecture is pretty to say the least and the cannels are nice, but cause the walk back to our hotel to be longer. We missed most of the major sites and so will have to return.

(Sara) Sorry dad we really didn't get to take too many pictures.. i guess that just means i'll have to take you hear one day so you can take your own pictures. Also i wish nothing more to be at home having couch service with homemade chicken noodle soup, an english magazine, watching movies (or anything english) and having mom wash my bed a thousand times to smell cleaness and to have a hot bath.. being sick overseas is probably the worse thing in the world! Or something like that. Oh yeah dad don't see the simpsons movie yet i want to see it with you. The ukraine better prove itself to get us healthy or else i'll be mad at Granny haha. Maybe some borsch soup will help? Probably not on the other end..

Well hopefully a new country will get us back into health to finsih off these next 4 weeks. Wish us luck and good health please.

Sara and Tyson

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