Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Harry Potter in Kiev

Hello all,

So just to conclude the story from yesterday the American guy went on for the better part of an hour about the whole thing mixing anger with gross hitting on the lady skills. He basically was vowing to track down this lady and her agency so they wouldn't scam anyone else. I don't know how far he'll get not that it really matters, I doubt there are any laws that say anywhere in the world that you have to leave your country to go live with another man in his country because he bought you a plane ticket before you met him and he turned out to be an ugly creep. So when we came out to the other room where they were having their conversation this guy almost jumped out of his chair and ran for the exit. The rest of that day I think we finished our recovery from the flu and decided to take some antibotics to plug up the leaking bum issues.

The next day we changed accomidation to a youth hostel across town that took all too long to get to. It was set in this courtyard that is the third courtyard within courtyards and the signs were all printed off from a computer so they aren't very big. Not the nicest hostel I've been in, but clean enough. The rest of this day we had a late lunch, found free internet and abused our time on it by being online for a couple of hours. Then we strolled down to see some more Orthadox churches. It was funny to see two churches about 100 meters apart facing each, one being green and the other being blue. Do you really need two churchs that close together? We don't know, but we decided that baby blue and baby green are the colors of very old tribes of Kiev that fought bitterly and would not go to church together. We're probably wrong but who knows?

Funny story.. in the evening after dinner we came back and were waiting for the reception guy to get done with the phone so we could get a recipe for the days we were staying when this 6' tall lady with long black hair, mini-skirt, and highheels comes trancing through the lobby with a short fat businessman complete with briefcase in tow. I didn't know this and maybe you didn't either Internation youth hostels now accomidate more than just cheap backpacking youth from around the world. Sara and myself made eye contact from across the lobby as they entered and I couldn't help but laughing right then and there. Ahh... what to say what to say....

Today we got up eventually and found some delicious cheese buns from breakfast. Was able to fax Ken the list of items in the box so that maybe it can leave the Edmonton Internation Airport. Hopefully... and then made our way to the train station. Our third line ended up being the right one, and after two people pushed infront of us, one who was buying a ticket all the way to Bishkek which took forever we bought tickets to Odessa. We didn't get the train we wanted as instead of leaving at 7pm and getting in at 8am we leave at 3pm and get in at 5am. And we're not sure what kind of berth we're in or anything... Guess we'll find out by either asking the lobby guy at the hostel but he may not know, so we'll find out on the 2nd.

Then we took the metro again, which has the coolest little tokens and walked through some of the main squares and up through some parks that overlooked the river. The parks are very nice to stroll through with their tall leafy trees. We didn't make it as far as I would have liked to, but Sara agreed that on her birthday we can do some sightseeing even. Near the end of our walk in one of the underground crosswalks was a bookstore. We tend to go in them looking for guidebooks, maps, or reading material. In this store we found the 7th Harry Potter and decided to purchase it. After that we hurried to get to the computer for 6pm for Sara to talk to her mom. We hurried and got to the area with time to spare, me rushing on the way to take photos of the cool buildings. It took us forever to find the place and ended up giving up, and started walking back to the hostel before we checked one last place... And here we are..

I apologize that time may sound sorta mumbo jumbo, it is just I find it hard to write with a ticker counting down my minutes above my head.

Tyson and Sara

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