Thursday, July 5, 2007

Almaty 2

Power to the Women! (Kazakhstan WW2 Heros)

Athletic Stadium where Sara met her dream girl

St. Nicholas Cathedral

Potential case of trademark infringment number 1 can you guess who we're thinking of?

Can you guess this one? He is now selling pharmecuticals in Kazakhstan

This one should be easy, (I wonder if maybe it's the same company lower quality, if that is possible...) CRAZY COUNTRY!!!

Yesterday we mentioned how we were going to go see a movie that was dubbed in Russian. We did end up going and it was pretty humourous. Mainly because it was funny to hear people laughing at things we didn't understand, but we knew it was funny due to what the characters in the movies were doing. It was pretty easy to follow along, we knew a few words here and there.. (such as, hello, the characters names, husband,thank you, and bye). Pretty much all the Russian we know. I only know husband because it says in the lonely planet guide that if you are a women and you are travelling alone you should always say you have a Moosh.. which is husband.. dont worry we aren't married .. i dont want to put any thoughts in peoples minds. I enjoyed the popcorn it was camarlized, Tyson kind of was disappointed because in the pop corn popper it looked as if it was buttery and salty, needless to say all we could afford is a little cup.. about what we could afford at home if we went to the movies.

Last night we went to the grocery store and got some food to cook for ouselves. We found this great tasting granola that i think tastes like captian crunch and mixed in with good yogurt its quite tasty. We also got rice and corn to eat for dinner and even got soy a sauce.. small things amuse us! Also picked up a 5L jug of water, some juice, and cheese and salami and brown bread for lunchs. It seems that we can never be satisfied from being thirsty, even when we drink 2 liters of water and juice and pop, we are always thirsty.. damn humid and hot countries!!

This morning we woke up to get ready to go registar ourselves into the country (not really sure why we have to do it, but we do or else we will have problems leaving the country and we sure the heck don't want that because we can't afford to stay in this country any longer than what we had planned). We will try again tomorrow to registar.

We walked around all day because taxis are too expensive, and we don't speak russian so public transport is chaotic with all the traffic here anyways. No real organization of any sort. So we decide to walk and take breaks in between. We first went to the St.Nicholas Cathedral which is a Russian orthadox church that was pretty interesting with its onion domes and teal colorful building and paintings inside. While inside we walked around and then this little old Babushka (lady.. but Babushka is so more fitting eh Dustin? ) started talking to us in Russian and showing us around and what things were. We picked up a bit on what she was showing us.. but other than that we just nodded and smiled and i did a whole lot of crossing (they do the sign of the cross 3 times in Russian Orthadox churchs). The lady was very kind, and even said a little prayer for us.. she seemed to have liked my name (sara) because she pondered in Awe for a couple of minutes as if to say it was sucha beautiful name (except a thousand people in the world have it .. how sad). With Tysons name she really didnt care.. haha.. its ok Tyson i like your name. And everyone associates it with Mike Tyson..

After the church, we continued on to the sports complex of Almaty to see what it was like and to see if any sporting events where going on. We managed to get into the soccer pitches and althetics field where some people were practicing running and pole vaulting. We sat for a little bit and watched, i was in such awe at the ripped muscualr track chicks that i have now made it my goal to focus on working out hard core when i get home. You know when you see those olympic track atheltes on tv your like "wow they are really fit and ripped".. but they are still far away that you dont really notice how ripped they are until one passes right in front of you and then you realize shit they are HUGE!! So its my dream summer 2009 watch out for the new ripped sara. Not grossly ripped like muscle mania just nicely ripped. Anyways.. we left there because things were closing down and we went to what was suppose to be the ice rink. We couldn't get in.. so that left us with going on to our next destination the Independance mounument.

We got almost ther when i was REALLY hungry and wanted to stop to eat our lunch. So we sat in a park and enjoyed our home packed lunch of brown bread (YIPPE) and some gouda cheese (right from Holland), and some Salami(from Spain) We called the sandwhich the international sandwhich and it was delicious. People watched for awhile and then headed to the mounument and the city government building and took some photos. Then left to go to the Central Asia Museum.

The museum was shockingly cheap 65 cents.. we almost fainted .. how could such a nice mueseum be so cheap? Oh well.. we went and saw things ranging from prehistoric ages (dinosaur bones and such) to gifts from the world leaders post independence day.. Shockingly (note the sarcasm in my voice) the United States was the first country to get its grubby little hands in here as a diplomatic relations.. Canada was like 20th or something like that(4 years later). Britain was second. We also saw old Kazahk culture costumes and such, ww2 things (more pictures of Stalin which is shocking because none where shown in Krygyzstan), and saw how Kazakhstan started Westernizing. It was a nice museum and it had AC so can't complain.

After the museum we were in search of more water. We finally found a store and got a 1.5 liter of water, and some Fanta (we finally have found different flavors of fanta how exciting). Then made our way to here. On the way we found the War Mounment and looked at the prices of the ballet. The prices of the ballet were too high for us poor travellers (around 30 bucks a ticket) we might try a cheaper theater to see if anything else is going on. The war mounument was pretty cool, it was of Women war heros .. power to the women haha.. (we dont even have statues of women in canada).. Tyson made a good point, we dont have any statues in canada.. except wayne gretzky anddddd.. A GIANT BAT! Also note, the women statues were a replacement of the old lenin statues.. shockingly no lenin statues remain here.. but in Krygyzstan lenin is everywhere.. hmmm interesting. Other than that we are here at the internent place now.. about to view the new harry potter trailer .. sooo exciting. Going to go to an Irish pub for dinner (Mad Murphys) maybe we can meet some other travellers and ponder how they can afford this place or some expats to lend us some money. Haven't seen any travellers here yet.. and we don't blame them.

Sara and Tyson

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