Sunday, July 1, 2007

A Couple of Pictures

Some old school Propoganda from the Lenin Museum

See Roddy there are people here. The center of Kochkor, Saturday Morning

Our guide for our horse trip and his family

Getting back on the horses after lunch. Sara is on hers, mine is the black one. The little girl in the red shirt was the lucky one to get my watch with the water stuck in it (she seemed really happy none the less)

Our first view of the lake.

One of many statues that line the side of the road, usually at mountain passes. Eagles are some of the most common being a very powerful and very Krygz image here, but there are also people (war heros) , deer, leapord, and some more we can't remember.
Also we forgot to mention that today I really needed to go to the washroom, and we just happened to be by the Hyatt so we walked in and followed the sign to the Toliet. The band was playing in the lobby, the air conditioning made a slight wirl, and faint laugher could be heard from the pool. We didn't want to leave, but wanted less to be kicked out, so eventually we left. As they say a good hotel is a good hotel and a good hotel costs what a good hotel costs anywhere and everywhere it is all the same.
Also to note that after dinner we ran into our crazy Canadian lady friend again. She was just off to dinner at that time, but had a brillant suggestion. She had been wondering if there was a Canadian consolate here that may be throwing a party today, it being Canada day and all. I remembering the address from the lonely planet decided to make a small detour on the way home (6 blocks) to see if it was where the Lonely Planet say it was. Alas the LP failed again, no Canadian embassy, oh well.

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