Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Safe and Sound in China

Welcome to China !

Ha.. funny story.. click on the photo to make it large enough to read, hopefully. Anyways we were on the plane and we came accross this comic and it was too funny not to post.. but dont worry we're safe, we're SAFE!!!

Well it is currently 6pm here, which translates into 4am there, and with little more than a short nap or two on the plane we've arrived with no hickups, it was almost too easy... hehe. The airplane food I think has gotten worse, and 8 month old childern cry, well some of them do anyways. Dreamgirls, not a good movie, Erogen wasn't either for that matter. Anyways Chinese customs was a breeze, the guy with our sign was waiting right where he said he would be, and bam, we're at the hostel. Driving through Beijing was amazing. Everywhere I looked they were taking down beautiful brick building and building 20+ story office and condo buildings. After checking in we walked through some market streets to a gate near Tiamen square, I'll figure out what one it is tomorrow. It took a minute or two, or 15 to get use to the market atmosphere again, but after that, it was a great walk. I kept wanting to duck down alleyways, but I'll leave that till tomorrow. The one thing that sums up Beijing in the 20 minutes I've spent in it, is clean. For a city the that houses the population of half of Canada, this place on the streets is cleaner than the inside of Canadian malls. So that is what I've seen, but I'll let Sara tell her point of view now.

Later, Tyson

Ha.. funny man that Tyson was.. he is right about a few things, the airplane ride was good, the food was mediocore but the crying babies were a little cute.. It has been a total of 20 hours travelling time and i feel like a walking zombie, but Tyson won't let me go to bed untill 8pm Beijing time.. !!!! Umm well since i have never been to a place like this the first thing that i noticed was well there is no seat belts in the back of cars.. Don't worry mom they can sure drive through the narrowest streets in town and not hit anything, im sure i would have hit like 10 people, a wall, and a roasting duck along the way! But other than that we are safe and sound.
Here are a few things that I have noticed about Beijing so far
1) If you do not get out of the way of a honking moving vehicle/rickshaw your dead! See in Canada we use our horns to tell someone to F--- off! but in beijing its a survival tool!

2) Water is 25 cents.. yah!

3) They listen to 90's music, oh yeah TLC!!!

4) Anything you want you can get in this city! (the 2 blocks that we walked, i almost bought a pet turtle.. haha)

5) ITS HOT OUT!!!! plus 28 with humidity... toasty!

6) There are green bananas mom just the way you like them!!

That is all i have to say for now, im soo tired..

Thanks for all of you who emailed us and commented it was GREAT to hear from people from home!

Look forward to writing more tomorrow!

Love Sara:)

PS: More Pictures to come, the internet connection is going really slow so tomorow we will try again.

1 comment:

Dustin and Glenn said...

Hey Guys!

Glad to hear that all is good in china. I hope that if you do for some reason get aprehended by the cops that you do blog about it, hahaha. And about the turtles sara, you should also buy a hare and race them! At least that is what we were going to do in Barcelona, they have hares and turtles and we were going to take a picture of them racing down La Ramba. Anywho, i should get going, got a flight to catch. Hope that everything is still going well. Talk to you later.
