Friday, May 11, 2007

Chinese Opera The Next Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!

The costumes of the actors portraying the act of protecting the Han dynasty

Changing faces spitting fire, is anything cooler???

A typical street. Here we have Chinese Children coming from School, the elmentary children all wear these red scraves, and the highschool children wear Track suites that match which grade they are in.

Chinese checkers game, I don't know how to play yet...

(Sara) Well now, the moment you all have been waiting for... ... ... .. Regarding Tibet... ... .. .. .. ..
... ... ... .... the word on the street is... ... ... ... ... We are.. .. .. ... GOING!!! Well so they say... we still need to make sure they let us in to Tibet so keep sending good thoughts. So the next time we post we should be in Lhasa. Our flight leaves here at 8:30 tomorrow morning, so by the mid morning either we'll be in Tibet or not.

Today we walked around Chengdu and noticed that if you are looking for lets say.. a fan, you would have a wide range of who you would want to buy a fan from because there are about 50 fans stores right next to eachother all on a strip.. its kind of funny and interesting. After the fans, there was long cable wire.. and then cellphones.. followed by hot water heaters, and from there let your imagination run. After some walking around, and me finding some Cadbury Chocolate (MMMMMM) we headed back to the hostel to eat some dinner and check out some Chinese Opera!

My thoughts are that the Chinese opera is the next best thing since sliced bread. It was amazing!! So much entertainment and skilled performers.. i was amused and thought chinese comedy is funny to hear in chinese just that part made me laugh even if i didn't know what the heck was going on. If you ever get a chance to see some, i dont know if you would... but do it.. if not for the opera itself but at least for all the fancy make up and costumes that were so very colourful. The opera included acrobatics, fire breathing, face changing, comedy, solo violon sounding instrument, the orchestra, a chinese lady that sounded like a man when she spoke english (we think she had a male teacher teach her english), and puppets of the hand and very large variety. There was some more stuff, but we don't know how to properly describe it, not that what we have described does it much justice.

(Tyson) I really enjoyed walking around the city of Chengdu today, although at the end it was getting to be a few kilometers, seeing how the people of Chengdu spend their days. Besides all the stores selling the same stuff in a row we observed monks buying cell phones, middle school kids having lunch, chinese checkers, WOW (if you don't know ask someone who likes computer games), shoe shiners, and lots of people just going about their friday afternoon. The opera was as Sara said amazing. Well off to pack up and get ready, excited for tomorrow.

Sara and Tyson

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fuckin eh... lol i am glad you guys are enjoying your trip cant wait to see you when its done you will be chinese or some shit and i will be married hahah same thing or not really. Anywho love you guys and take care. Keep up the blogs....peace out