Friday, May 4, 2007

The "Secret" Great Wall of China

Kids in the village where we had lunch

Great Wall

Great wall in the other direction, just turn around and it goes on..

Our guide in one of the outposts (the one in the second picture)

Wow you guys and girls are getting spoiled with us posting everyday. But we like doing it because we like sharing with you what we are up too and its so nice to open emails and comments from home, so keep them coming :).

Today was an early morning up at 6:45 am in order to get ready for our travel and hike up the great wall of china. We had no idea what to expect coming into this hike, but it was absolutely amazing. To see the scenary, to be the only tourists on the wall, and to have a real local guide from a small village who did not speak a word of english but who was so kind in his own way. As usual never a dull moment in Beijing, the mini bus ride up to the secret wall was about 3 hours and that in itself is an adventure. We went through the city of beijing, saw the tourist version of the great wall which is in Badling, and let me tell you it was again from what we could see wall to wall people climbing this wall. We were so glad that we chose to do secret version of the wall.

The hike itself was about 4 hours long and it definently made us work. But it was well worth it, it was like i already said amazing, stunning, vibrant, and historical. The only disappointing thing was when we first reached the first outpost we were so excited to go inside and look around and take pictures but we were welcomed by a man who was trying to sell goods, like a tee shirt that said "I climbed the great wall", while i was a little interested to buy it, i realized that, that is not what this journey was about.. and i withdrew from evening attempting to bargin the man.

I agree with everything Sara has said so far about the day. My only regret about the day is that I couldn't keep going. There is so much wall, and all we got was three outposts, and a couple of kilometers of wall. Oh well. After returning to the village we were treated to a great meal prepared at a little guest house of sorts. Delicious, I tried a little of everything and nothing tasted bad, while Sara had about half of the stuff. All I can say about what we saw today, was that I hope some of the pictures show a glimps of the size and scale of the Great Wall of China.

Laters, Tyson and Sara

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