Sunday, May 6, 2007

Summer Palaces, Beauty Salons, & Souveniers

The long corridor at the Summer Palace (Sara was feeling artsy and took lots of pictures)

The octogon temple

Empresses temple to worship

Same octogon temple

Sara on the 17 gate bridge, beside a cute lion!

Hello everyone,

This is our last night in Beijing, oh where has the time gone. I know, long walks around old imperial courtyards in the blistering heat. Today I had a heat headache when I woke up and it didn't go anywhere all day, but the Summer Palace was on the agenda, and so away we went. The guide book said that you could take bus no. 808 directly from Quinen (spelling may be wrong) straight to the summer palace. We saw a number of 808 buses, but couldn't find the stop. So we decided to take the subway instead. A transfer and a taxi later we were there. I agree with Sara, that the summer palace was much nicer than the forbidden city. Spread out around a lake on a hillside were the same beautiful temples and palaces. I was surprised to see a number of temples dedicated to Bhoddisatva, I guess I don't know my history all that well. Some artifacts that were on display were 3000 years old, and while not quite as intricate as some of the newer pieces, were amazing due to their age and being cast out of bronze. The site as a whole was less crowded, and there was places to escape the crowds and the sun. As well there was a nice breeze coming off the water. After many hours of strolling around the grounds we headed home. Again we saw a number 808 bus, but agian no 808 stop, and we definetly looked for one (yes i can say we SURE did!!!! in the blistering heat.. from sara) So the taxi and metro would have to do. On the way from the metro to the hostel we did a little shopping. All the street venders have been pushing this metallic magnet things that they flip in the air and sound like a cricket. I wanted some, and paid 3 times what Sara paid for her's 5 minutes later. Sara also learned how to use them much quicker than me, and the noise that it makes is too much for a hotel room. I'm thinking of forgetting them here tomorrow already. Or maybe I'll pick up a couple more to give to small childern in Canada whose parents don't email us (Jen, Melissa this is directed at you). Finally after dinner we went to the upstairs of a beauty salon. Which can only mean one thing.... massages. Sara had a foot massage, while I also had a foot massage. After walking around so much these past days, did it ever feel amazing. Yep that is right we are living the high life here in Beijijng!!! We probably would have had more massaged but we didn't have enough cash with us. I think they just wanted to see if Tyson's body was as hairy as his legs!! They were buggin him in Chinese about it.. i chuckled! Anyways tomorrow we are off to Chengdu, to see some Panda bears (I have been waiting for this FOREVER... panda bear here I come!!! from sara), go to the Opera,, go to some tea houses and see what the situation is in Lhasa and Tibet (which Tyson has been waiting for for a much longer forever).
Take care,

Tyson and Sara