Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Dunes, lots and lots of Dunes

I liked petting Tysons Camel.. Tyson called him "smokin Sam", I named my Camel Igor.

If you look closely you can see the wind rip off the dune.

Good Evening,

Today we slept in which was nice. Got up and ate some breaky (toast for me, rice for Tyson). After eating we went to see if we could get our train tickets to Turpan. We found out that they don't know if the train is going to go tomorrow because of the winds, they don't want the train to go if sand is going to blow onto the track. It is quite windy now, and its super annyoing!!! More on that later. So tomorrow morning we will find out if we take the night train tomorrow night, or we try again for the next night.

We decided to rent some bikes and go for a bike ride into the country side. At first it wasn't so bad, until our butts began to hurt from the bumpy roads, and the stiff hard seats. We ended up riding for about 3 hours, and were utterly exhausted once we came out of the heat and sat down and drank a cold sprite and had some lunch. It probably wasn't the best thing to go for such a long ride seeing as we were going to the sand dunes and to ride camels. I am not even exagerating when I say are butts hurt.. i think they are bruised.

The camel ride was neat, except for my arse hurting, and the fact that the motion of riding the camel kind of made me feel nasueated. So back onto the wind thing. It was extremly windy going to the sand dunes this evening. The sand dunes themselves were amazing, and very large, however the wind and sand in your face made it hard to enjoy it as much. We went sledding down the sand dune and it was not fun at all due to the fact that you pretty much ate sand all the way down, and got sand in places you don't want to know. It was a little disappointing, running down the sand dunes was much more fun. The sunset wasn't anything spectacular due to the clouds in the way.

We are very exhausted now, and tomorrow we will have a relaxing day, before maybe heading onto the night train to Turpan.

Sara and Tyson

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