Saturday, July 26, 2008


Hello from Vieng Vang (sp?)

This morning we got up and headed to the best bakery ever (the scandinavian one) for some bagels/croissounts and fruit bowls. After that we headed to the Green Discovery place that booked us our bus to Vieng Vang (sp?) We waited there for an hour, they said to be there by 9:30 am and by the time they actually got us (it wasn't even the bus it was a tuk tuk to take us to the bus, which we already walked by to get to breakfast...) anyways it was 10:15 by the time the tuk tuk got us and then the bus left at around 10:30 to go get gas and then we proceeded our journey, only to stop about an hours way in for a washroom break and some food for people if they wanted. The trip was about 3.5 hours long through flat terrain and then up through the hills where we saw lots of rice paddies and jungle. I was really praying for no puke this time and we did succeed (barely!!! the guy acrross from me had the bag ready to go.. but thank goodness we were about 10 minutes from town).

We got to town at around 2:30 which is right about the hottest time of day around here and within seconds we both looked like we had a shower.. but not.. eww. We were having trouble finding our place. (Tyson: not really trouble, just it was really hot and not knowing exactly to the spot where the place was verse knowing which direction to walk on which road didn't cut it) This is the part where he gets upset about talking about the tuk tuk we decided to take which 5,000 (big bills here... really screws us up... 8527 kip to 1 Canadian dollar) well the tuk tuk literally drove us 100meters or 5 seconds to our bungalow... Tyson was furious.. he tried to get him down to 2000 but the guy wasn't budging and just laughed and Tyson paid him and said I will never ride with you again. Anyways the place we are staying at is pretty relaxing its a thatched hut (literally thatched on stilts with a miquito net for sleeping and a bathroom with a shower curtain... ) I will admit its relaxing but i would like to patch up the little cracks and holes i see to keep the misquitoes out... (Tyson: It is beautiful with teak wood floors, and a deck that is shaded looking out over the river with rice paddies on the other side leading the eye up to massive limestone krasts covered with jungle. There is A/C and a comfortable bed. The place is nice.) Whatever the fact is that i don't like bugs or misquitoes or anything that touches me. Tyson assures me that we won't get malaria because we have a misquito net.. but i was eyeing those buggers and they like to sit on that net and poke there beady little suckers in the hole and wait for you to get close enough to the net and then BAM! they attack. (Tyson: it isn't like the things have five foot or even 5 inch long suckers, the misquoto here is the the same size or smaller than at home, so unless you are right against the net you are more than safe.) Maybe i like to snuggle with the net? (Tyson: I can't win, even if I am right, so whatever, get back to the day, please) Ok...

Once checked in we went for some lunch of fried rice and french fries.. and then took a stroll around town. I bought some shower sandles/thongs... and then we decided we probably shoudl go back and put sunscreen on but we ended up going back and just chilling on our balcony reading andthen a huge bug landed on my foot and i screamed a little and then Tyson said "Don't move i want a picture of it"... to which i replied shut up i am moving... (Tyson: it's not that I'm unsensitive but the bug had already left her foot and was on the railing.) Anyways after that episode we went for dinner and some laobeer.

Tonight we are going to try to book a kayaking and caving tour if we still can, they guy wasn't there when we last checked. So yeah, thats all we got.

See ya tomrrow

Sara and Tyson

1 comment:

Meo said...

Hahaha, we had a similar taxi ride. We were in an unfamiliar part of town and took a taxi to our hotel, which turned out to be about a block away!! I was mad and I wouldn't give him 5 soles, I think we gave him 2 or 3. The driver was laughing at us, which made me even madder! I never liked mosquito nets either, but that's probably because most of the ones on my bed seemed to have gaping holes in them! Should have packed some duct tape!!