Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Greetings from Laos


We are now in Vientiane the captial of Laos. Very very different place when compared to Bangkok. Much smaller, with old french colonial buildings, and a backwards sorta atmosphere. Much more my kinda town, when compared to the gong show that is Bangkok. (Sara: i don't think it is really a gong show compared to a place like Beijing, its got a little more flare to it.)

Today we got up and wandered the streets around our hotel for an hour or so, and then went to the airport. From there we flew to Udon Thanni in the north of Thailand. From the airport we rode in a van up to the Laos border. As we crossed the Mekong river everything changed, for starters we started driving on the right hand side of the road again. (sara says she didn't even notice the change) Also it seemed a lot poorer, with smaller houses more dirt roads, but on the flip side much more lush (rice paddies, banana and coconut trees.) Sara: I enjoyed seeing the little boy monks who looked not much older than 12 in thier bright orange robes walking along the streets.

When we arrived in Ventaine the hotel we had wanted to stay at was full, (we hadn't booked ahead). So we walked to the second choice spot. They only had one room with two beds left, and the price was as high as the super fancy place we checked out inbetween. Since we hadn't eaten since breakfast, Sara was not too interested in walking (Sara: Tyson seems like I was not interested, but the truth is he was just as edgy as me and admitted that when we finally did pick a hotel, he said he was hungry!!! Also in my defence I thought i was being very supportive and offering suggestions Tyson is just still upset by the fact that he thinks he is being ripped off everywhere we go, he somehow needs to get over that) Anyways, back to the truth. Sara wasn't interested in walking back across town again to keep looking at places, so we are in the expensive place. Sara: I love how he says "expensive" 45 US is maybe a little pricey but its by far not expensive to as 200 US dollars over at the bouquite hotel! Tyson: well it is when compared to the $23 dollars a night next door.

After we dropped off our bags we went for dinner, ate some food (pizza and garlic bread) and strolled around for a little bit. There are ATMs here, contrary to what the guide book says. But we didn't stay out too late because being by the equator things tend to get dark here quickly, and Sara seems to be deathly (not that bad) afraid of being outside at night. Malaria fears. Sara says that I am making her look bad, which si somewhat true, however it is the truth.

Tomorrow we'll probably change hotels and take in the famous wats and get a good feel for the town. See you then.

Tyson and Sara


Meo said...

Wow, $45 seems pricey for a hotel, I thought it would be way cheaper there! (Sorry Sara!) The most we paid was $20 for both of us, so $10each. I actually added up all of my expenses on hotels for 24 days and it came to about $110!! That doesn't count the overnight buses and our hiking and jungle trip, but still super cheap!

S & T said...
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