Saturday, August 25, 2007

Air condition how i love you!!!

So since our last blog.. we left off complaining about the beach because were jerks like that.. Well the next day we took the day off.. literally.. i think i left the hotel once to get some snacks.. and to go and eat dinner. Although we would have ate dinner at the hotel except they were not open for food at the time. It felt good to be out of the sun for the day (I know you guys hate when we say that but seriously when you have had over a 100 straight days of hot and sun.. you really get tired of it) I also think we had some minor heatstroke. However the day went incrediably SLOW!!!! We were so bored that Tyson actually made up a card game call "light/dark magic" We are into the harry potter craze since i finally finished reading the 7th book and i read the last 200 pages out loud to Tyson even though he as already read it.. again we were bored so stroy telling was fun. The game was kind of cool.. in a dorky way.. we even made up paper rock siccors into Cloak, Wand, Shield... yeah we bigggg geeks. Anyways we played a few rounds of that.. but i kept winning and Tyson thought he needed to fix the game to make it more "fair"... even though its based on peer luck i think.

Anyways after doing nothing we ate dinner.. and retreated back to reading our novels. Tyson has been flying through his novels so the only 2 novels left he could get at the hotel were chick novels and after he has now finished both i think he has gotten in touch with his feminine side and i think that helps me in the long run hes much more sensitive to my needs now!!! So ladies get your boys to read chick novels!! I think i will buy him more when we get home.

The next day we went back to the beach. It was a much better day.. we felt good and we mixed up the sun with some shade. Also the water was uber warm so we could stay in it longer and play around. After the usual, shower, read routine we went for dinner.. i think it was Pizza that night.

The next day which was thursday.. our last day at the beach.. i was feeling a little hot.. officially done with the sun now i think. We worked on perfecting our tans for the last day and swam. Before we went to dinner though we stopped by to book our ferry tickets for the 4pm ferry to athens on friday.. however it was all sold out.. soo the only one we could take was the 7:55am ferry.. which is not the best ferry to take.. we perfer night ferries.

The ferry ride was long.. or i thought it was long. I tried to sleep most of it.. but it was uber windy. We were on the pegasus express again in our normal seats on deck. But its louder because more people are there and are awake and smoking and yeah not the best.. but not the worst either. We got into Athens at around 7:30pm. We booked it straight to our hotel we stayed at last time we were hear and were happy to hear that they had a room for us for 2 nights (Hotel Electra). I was just happy to have air condition and good ol BBC!! We then took the metro to get some food.. were really bad at not eating at all on travel days.. so then we realize that we haven't eaten in like 12 hours except for crap (cookies and some chips) we needed substance. So we went back to a place we ate before which i thought was good last time.. but this time not so good. We firgure it probably tasted the same as last time however since being on the Island of Samos we had much better tasting and prepared food and that is why here things don't taste as good because there massed produced for tourists. But none the less taziki, pita bread, and greek salad was a must.

That night i had cranked the AC to be 16 degrees in our room. It was freezing and all we had was a little sheet but i didn't care it felt sooooo nice to be actually cold that i just kept dreaming about my douvet and nearly squashing Tyson by cuddling.. (tyson: it was so cold. I woke up shivering many times, curled up in a little ball.. not that fun I say...) He could have turned it down.. its not like the time we were in the metal shack.. or the tent.. he had a choice. Anyways.. finally i turned it down and off in the wee early morning.

We had plans to be at the Acropolis at 7:30am.. haha.. that didn't happen.. more like 11:00am. Anyways i wasn't feeling 100 percent and was a little grumpy at the start.. and i sent tyson up to the partenthon and then he came back after he was done.. and convinced me to go up. It was alright.. if your into 4000 year old marble things... I think im just done with sight seeing and massive amounts of people and plus 35 weather!! I know i complain to much.. but seriously come on now.. Rain isn't that bad... (tyson: it would be at the Acropolis, we witnessed many tourists wipe out or almost wipe out on the marble as it was and it was bone dry, if it had been raining everyone would be leaving with either broken hips or twisted ankles, and the camera shops around Athens would be doing great business replacing broken cameras) We witnessed some heat stroke that didn't look fun for the kid. And now all we have left is to kill time... that sounds bad doesn't it.. but its true we are ready to be officially home!!! But not looking forward to the tasks at home.. just the comforts and people of home. (Tyson: while this is true, I remember those comforts lasting minutes, while the tasks that take forever cause me to wish to relive the worst of all days from travelling... a mean trick, and I know it coming and yet...) I don't agree with him.. i don't think i want to relive the worst days of travelling.. I perfer always coming home to the comforts of my bed and douvet and a shower with a freaking shower curtain in it and windows with screens so that the bugs cant get you and eat you!! .

We'll have a bunch of time to write a second to final blog from the airport.

See you all soon,

Sara and Tyson

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