Thursday, August 16, 2007

1 step forward 3 steps back

So today we got up bright and early to get to the travel agent that deals with Air Canada when they opened at 9am. We arrived with all our packs and had to wait till nearly 10am for the lady to show up, because she was running late today. When she got there she was in a bit of a flurry of action, but basically said that we had really cheap fares and that this being the high season there would be little chance of changing it. Well of course it is high season, that is why we can't find anywhere to stay... So she said call in an hour, so we dragged our packs to a shady corner down the street, I went in search of an ATM and returned with some money and potato chips. At 11am we returned to the office to be informed that there was a chance that we could go home on the 22nd, for a fee of course. We hummed about this for a bit, and got into a conversation with one of the other travel agents about why we wanted to go home early. He said that since the holiday was over the Greeks would be returning from the islands now, and he knew a guy at the port who could get us ferry and accomidation. So back to the port we went.

The guy whose name was Hercules (not making this up) said that he could only do ferry tickets, but pointed us in the direction of someone who could book accomidation. The lady in the new travel agency said that accomidation would start at 200 Euro a night and there would be nothing available for the weekend. What junk. So we said can you call this hotel we stayed in in Samos for us. Which she did, and she said that she could book us a week for 50 Euro a night, which I thought, ummm, we paid 35 euro a night when we where there. It turns out the 10-15 euro per night was her commision. She got angry at us when we said that we thought that was a little much for a commision. So we left without the room, but we knew they weren't booked solid. We returned to Hercules and booked overnight ferry tickets to Samos... another night on the benches, hopefully we don't oversleep because this time we should get in at 7am.

We decided to keep our bags with Hercules, and return to Athens to change our traveller cheques, use the email to tell everyone our new plans. and get some food.

So our plan now is to return to Samos tonight, arriving at 7am on the 17th. We will stay on Samos till the 25th when we'll take a night ferry back to Athens, arriving on the morning of the 26th. The 26th we'll spend in Athens and in the afternoon take in the Akropolis. We will either find a hotel with a shuttle to the airport or just go to the airport late on the evening of the 26th because at 8am on the 27th we should be in our seats on a plane that is headed for London, with a connection to Edmonton. So we hope to enjoy 9 care free days lying on a beach. We do have internet still, so you can write...

Take Care,
Tyson and Sara

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