Thursday, June 7, 2007

Pictures from Karakol Lake


Sunrise on Mount Muztagata 7546 meter.

Ladybug on a flower (obviously)

Young camels, wouldn't let us get too close

Sunset on the side of a 7800 meter mountain.

Our yurt was the second one, the family with the two little childern seen infront lived in the first one.

Not much to add since yesterday. We booked a 1 day camel safari for tomorrow, a American guy is going to come with us. We must look like we've been travelling for a while because at dinner and breakfast quite a few pasty people are coming up to us and asking what we've done and what we recommend they do. An odd change from a couple of weeks ago. So while I explain what we've done, Sara is off asking more tanned people what they've done. On the bus ride down yesterday, after we arrived back on the flat lands, "The Gods must be Crazy II" started playing in Chinese. Everyone got some good laughs, especially the Chinese military guys on the bus when the kids are trying to climb out of the water tank using the rifle. Other than that, I am planning on strolling through some of the market streets this afternoon, hopefully get some good pictures. We cross the Torugut pass on Monday into Kyrgyzstan.

Enjoy the pictures.

Tyson and Sara

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