Friday, June 15, 2007

Frustrating Day in Bishkek

Today was really suppose to be a productive day that turned unproductive. It really all started with not getting what I expected at lunch today. This was a huge disappointment and really spiraled the day into being frustrating and walking a whole lot to get to no conclusion. We tried to find some trekking companies to help us find information about hiking in and around Bishkek. We couldn't find any, except this guest house which was way the heck out of the way that didn't give us much information but did set a price for how much a guide and transportation would be for a day hike. After much grumbling with Tyson and I (we weren't really clicking today) we decided that the price was ridiculously high (80 US dollars) and that we would figure something else out. So we went back to our flat where we would gather our thoughts... then no more then a minute after getting in the door our land lady showed up asking in Russian why we were still here and that it was 6:00 o clock and we should be gone. We sat down and explained that we had paied already yesterday for 2 more nights and then she said noo we had paid for some water damage that happend from the leaking bathtub.. with our russian-english dictionary we tried to sort things out.. and after some broken english and broken russian we came to an agreement that we would pay 500 more soms for another night till june the 18th. So this was all good.. however she had left some money (1500 som) on our bed and after she left i realized this and chased after her to give it back but for some odd reason she was shaking her head like "no this isn't my money", and i was saying "yes this is your money this isn't ours, it was in your hand when you came to talk to us and you put it down for a second". I tried everything from Russian words in the dictionary, to english words, to re-enacting how she came in and was holding the money, to finally just laughing because for some reason she had forgotten in those 2 minutes that she put down her money. I am thinking the Russian Vodka is starting to get to her brain cells.. then she continued to ask if we wanted 6 nights because she thought this money was ours and we were trying to pay her more... it was all very strange.. and after she just took the 1500som and gave us back the 500som that we paid for , to stay till the 18th of june so to make a really confusing story short.. our land lady may have too much vodka, and we didn't pay for the extra night so really we saved money in an odd way. I am starting to think maybe i need some Vodka to keep myself sane for the last 2 months , seems to be how everyone else survives haha.

So after our crazy but nice land lady left.. we decided that tomorrow we will go do a day hike by hiring a taxi driver for the day (if you can do that...) and then coming back in the early afternoon. We went to the supermarket to get some lunch for tomorrow.. and well we have some sort of salami looking meat.. that I am not really sure if it is salami, horse meat, beef tounge.. who knows really.. Tyson being all optimistic and "nothing phases me im in the middle of no where" says it will be fine.. I think i might just stick to the bread and some m&m's really can't go wrong there. Then we headed to our favorite place to eat, if you guessed the Italian reasturant you are correct. I had the calazone highly would recommend it if you are heading this way (haha.. anyone..? heading this way? no?) and Tyson had some rich cheese trouffle pasta that he said was also good. That was pretty much the best part of the day.. dinner.. maybe tomorrow we can start on the right foot.


Sara now knows not to order the French bread at Fat Boy's because it always comes with lettace and too much mayo. We also know that if you own a business here you really don't need to advertise it because everyone must already know about it. Ie. We have to climb to 3rd story flats to try and buy maps (PS, if you have office hours posted on your door try and be there for them) and into back courtyards (ie, room 12 around back). Also if your guesthouse is on an alleyway you may want to consider putting up at least one sign. There wasn't even a sign on the gate, door, or anything. This is the third guesthouse we've been in where we've walked in to the enterance way and had to ask "Is this such and such a place?" Other suggestion to the government here, get meters for your taxis, as a taxi here is just a car with a sign stuck to the roof with a magnet. While your on that you may want to try a street light or two. But really Bishkek is a great city, much better than we thought it would be, which says alot about our thought of China eh? We'll leave those thought till we're further away from China I think. It is understandable when you've only been a country for 18 years. If things have changed as much as they have to make our Lonely Planet good for only toilet paper and that was written 4 years ago, this place is doing remarkable. Honestly I and I think Sara does too have good thoughts about this country and city so far.

Sara's explaination of the dealings with the landlady were overly short and simplified if you can believe that. We also mailed some letters today, that surprisingly enough went so well that I completely forgot we did that today until now.

Finally salami stays good for a day right? and salami meat is salami meat right? Tomorrow will be better, we're going to see a waterfall!!!


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