Sunday, April 1, 2007

One Month to go...

I am now married to my profession... Sorry Sara

One ring young Frodo, all the power is in your hands.

15 days of school remaining until I own a degree..
27 days of teaching before Sara owns her second degree..
30 days until we leave for China..
2-3 visas still to obtain
The countdown is on.

This weekend my parents drove over from Quesnel to come see my iron ring ceremony. It was nice to see them again, the last time till after we return from travelling. We had all the parents meet for the first time Saturday, which was great, except that the Vancouver Canucks and Calgary Flames were playing each other that evening. I have to learn to stop taking bets with Ken, because every time I do the Canucks seem to lose. Now I have to drive around with a Calgary Flames sticker on my car for a week.

As for travel planning my head isn't really in the game right now. Being very busy with school, big final projects and all. I guess I figure that once I'm done school in a little over two weeks I'll have the time to get things organized. I guess the only thing that I'm really worried about is not getting all of our visas in time. But since that is out of my hands... I only worry about it a couple of times a day.

Spring here in Edmonton thinks it wants to start, but then turns around and says nay, not yet. Earlier this week I heard, not that I get outside much these days, but I heard that it was really quite warm outside, and then yesterday it's snowing, and today, well today there is a cold biting wind outside.

Well I better stop procrastinating and get some homework done. It's been interesting seeing how my thought flow onto this thing.


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