Sunday, April 8, 2007

3 Weeks... are you kidding me?

Look how professional that swewing looks ha-ha.

This is how happy i was after i was done sewing it on.. YAY! Very little prick marks too.

This bikini is going to look sooooo amazin lying on a Greek Island... Well worth the purchase.

Good Afternoon, NAMASTE

Happy Easter everyone!!! I hope you all found your easter eggs that the easter bunny hid, I know i did :). So it had dawned on me that well i am about to board a plane in 3 weeks. Now let me remind you that when you actually count down the days it is more like 22 days. When you say 22 days it feels like forever, it makes you go, "oh thats tons of time to get everything ready and to do all this stuff", and then in the back of your mind a little hand comes and slaps you in the head and says "HEY!!!! you do realize that, that is only 3 weeks away." Then you sit and try to trick yourself into thinking you have more time to prepare then you really do. That saying I did manage to sneak off to MEC yesterday without Tyson and although i reassured him that i was only going to pick up a "few" things and little things at that, such as sunscreen, lip chap, small things like that. So all was well until i was mingling around in the clothes area, not really thinking i was going to find anything really ( I mean i love everything at MEC but i told myself this is not the time, maybe once i get a job and have more money) so anyways back to what im getting at, i came accross a super fly bikini top. I naturally picked up the top just to have a look at it, because i was curious. Well not only did i pick it up, i had to try it on. So in i went trying it on and well it was love at first sight what can i say. It is a surfing/paddling type of top that is nice and secure and virtually no way its going to fall off while i baske in the sun on the greek islands while making sand castles and throwing Tyson in the water. So it was fulfilled, i bought the bikini top and now I HAVE to go travelling, there is no turning back. This was the TSN turning point of the "im scared/excited part of travelling". Now im just pure excited!!! 3 weeks, 3 WEEKS!!! There are only 14 days of my practicum left which is sweet. I wish i had more time off like Tyson does to prepare but thats just the way things work. He will be busy getting last minute things together and making me dinners haha :). The weather here is brutalness.. well its really windy which makes it chilly and its kind of depressing when its almost double digits of april and you really want it to be nice out so you can take your Phys. Ed. classes outside. Today being Easter and all we will cook a nice dinner for the two of us and just relax and spend some time together. Also if you have not seen the movie Babel you should, it made me realize some things about this world. Well I must go now and enjoy the day and the rest of this weekend.
Sara :)

PS. Marylin you would be so proud I learned how to sew and I sewed on one Canadian flag already and its pretty steardy.

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