Monday, April 6, 2009

Miguel take me to your cabin!

I am crying inside, my heart is broken we are back in rainy Quito and I long for the morning when i was just waking up in my catamaran boat eating my breakfast looking at a beautiful island or checking the back of the boat to see if any sealions were sleeping there. Sigh... this may be a depressing blog as i am really quite sad to leave the Galapagos. This morning we left with our bags packed at 8:00am to where we went to the Interpretation muesum that explained how the islands where formed, the first settlers, etc, etc. It was kind of boring. Some what interested but all i could think of was wanting to be back in the catamaran getting my bathing suit on and my snorkling gear ready.

Where did we leave off? It might pain me to remember those last few days as i sit in Rainy Quito wearing layers upon layers watching my tan fade away.

Day 6 : North Seamore

Bare with me as I try to remember all of this. We went snorkling in the afternoon and in the morning we did some sort of hike, I think maybe with lots of boobies and frigate birds. I remember the snorkeling not being very good because the visibility was not good. It was a little quiet on the boat after 9 of the passangers left. A little sad too, just didnt feel the same. But lets get to what I remember and jump to day 7. Oh one more note Leann and I played some sort of card game called 40 where your on teams of 2 and she was on the bartendars team his name is William and I was on the cabin boys team his name is Peter. Now at first we were just playing for fun trying to understand the game and then we started betting on beers. Lets just say I think william the bartender was scamming us so he could get some buisness haha i love that guy though he was soo funny! Peter and I ended up losing 3 times so i had to buy leann 3 beers! Not cheap either! HAHA.

Silly Sara, she forgot all about Dragon Hill. In the morning on day 6 we woke up on the north east side of Santa Cruz, and we were all by ourselves. We went to shore, and did a walk around Dragon Hill, which doesn't actually have dragons, but they are pretty close. We first walked by another lagoon with a flamingo, saw a bunch of other shore birds before heading inland. The dragons are actually land ignunas that don't go into the ocean to feed, and because it is just after breeding season they were still a magnificant yellow and red in color. Then we sailed to North Seamore where we did a walk and a snorkle. On the walk we saw tons of nesting frigate birds and boobies. And I agree with Sara that the snorkelling wasn't the best due to the cloudiness of the water.

Day 7: Barthalamew and Rabidid (SP??)

These days were awesome. A very full day. In the morning we got up uber early 6:00am no breakfast to go climb the volcanoe of Barthalamew before the other huge cruise ship of 100 people got to it. It was nice there was on smaller ship about the same size of ours who started before us but it gave us plenty of time to do the hike with the sunrising. It was specatcular, very scenic with the other volcanoes in the distance and the ocean. We stayed at the top for about 20 minutes but we were all getting a little hungry from not having eaten breakfast yet. We had breakfast and then we went snorkeling. It was pretty scary as there was a shark that was very close to my feet in very shallow water and i was really scared, but apparently these reef sharks don't bite and all the other tourists where swarming around the 3 of them as they were circling them, crazy tourists!! Those where the cruise ship tourists. The beach was kind of packed and we were all a little disappointed that the cruise ship where there! But we snorkled anyways and we saw reef sharks, tropical fish, and PENGUINS swam with us but they are extremely fast. The best part was after we went snorkeling and we were on the dingy (small raft) there where dolphins near by, so our dingy driver took us there and we got to snorkel or attempt to snorkel with the dolphins! It was hard to keep up to them and both Tyson and I saw 2 right underneath us when we jumped in but they were off in as second, and Marliyn said she had 5 around her for a brief second! SO awesome. The only thing we have not snorkled with is sea turtles but we have seen a dozen of them.

We then sailed to Rabidad where it was BLAZING hot, the guide said it was pushing 37 degrees celisus. None of us wanted to walk as there was no wildlife at this island the flamingos where not in the salty lagoon so we walked really fast only to take off our clothes very fast and jump into the water. We snorkled for about an hour and a half and it was awesome! Saw more sharks, sealions where playing with us for a bit, lots of neat starfish, and fish in general. It was a really good snorkel and we were all very tired when we got back on the boat. Also sad because we knew tomorrow we were leaving. We began sailing back to San Cristobal where we left to go back to Quito.

So now we are here at the Travellers Inn our base Hostel here in Quito. I feel like i am still on the boat and mixed with the altitude since being at sealevel i feel very light headed and like i am rocking back and forth its like being drunk for free. Our plan was to go to Latatunga right from the airport and hop on a bus but it was late when we got into Quito (445pm) later than we had wanted to go. So we are just trying to decide what our plan will be for Tuesday-Thursday, where we will come back to Quito Thursday to see the Good Friday Procession in Quito and then try to get to Otavalo for Saturday-Sunday and fly home Monday night back to Edmonton. Hopefully my tan is still there or no one will believe me that i was in a hot destination! Which is ooo so important!

I should explain the title of the blog because it won't make sense unless I do. Miguel was our captain on the Archipell 2 catamaran boat. Think of Miguel like a Ecuadorian George Cloony, or a Mc.Dreamy if you can put an Ecuadorian twist to that, the point is that he was a hot older man. So Leann and I kept cracking jokes such as "El Capitan take me to your cabin" or "Miguel show me the ways of the sea", etc, etc. It was a fun week to say the least.

But I should go Tyson isn't feeling well still, has a fever i guess, and I am getting hungry.

I think Tyson slept 18 hours yesterday. He still has a bit of a headace, but his fever is less than it was. Hopefully I can get better soon. Off to the Andes today.

Talk to you later!!!

Sara and Tyson
Missing the Galapagos already!

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