Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Disco Underwear!


So this morning we woke up at the god awful hour of 7¨00 am and got our stuff packed and ready for our bus ride to Tena, Ecuador. We ate breakfast and yes more Bananas! (what is wrong with the bananas? they taste good when compared to the cheese)

We got to the bus station which was actually a little overwhelming of people shouting and yelling and pointing and finally we got what we were looking for. However the lady selling tickets to Tena was leaving at 1030 and we wanted to leave earlier it was about 930 we were hoping for a 10 oclock bus. The lady took us to another booth where she said it was leaving at 10am (or so we thought) so we said ok and it was great the bus company gives you free cokes and cookies for your bus trip. We sat in the waiting room that smelt really badly of urine and waited till 10 to come around. When 10 o clock came we were rushed to this gate where we had to pay 20 cents to go through.. why we had to we are not sure, everyone did even if you had bus tickets. We got on the bus and picked a spot. The bus actually was´not leaving till 1030 so we sat on it for half an hour, typical overseas bus station lol. (our tickets upon later inspection did say 10:30, I think the woman was just giving us a place to sit until then). However we got kicked out of our seats because apparently you have assigned seats (assigned seats, we don´t even have assigned seats in Canada, not saying that Canada is the best, but really???). Tyson was not to happy about that we were right front row. The reason why we don´t like front row is that if an accident where to happen there is no seats in front of you to brace youself... but dont worry mom we are safe and the front was actually kind of nice because you could see the road up ahead. From Quito we passed over a 4500 meter pass with amazing views. (Can´t wait to go hiking!!) The bus driver and his buddy (the guy who yells ¨TENA TENA TENA¨ and loads the bags and helps the bus driver out) were actually really funny men. They would periodically stop for roadside empanadas but never let anyone on the bus off to get some and they would play there loud spanish or really awesome english Disco (think take me to FUNKY TOWN) and sing really loud. They were quite the entertainment. About 40 minutes into the ride the funniest thing happened, i was just sitting there looking out the window getting into bus zone out mode when all of a sudden a pair of underwear fell on top of me from the top area of the bus... i didnt know what the hell it was so i quickly pushed it off of me and then we realized that it was underwear and we couldn´t stop laughing for like 30 minutes. It was the oddest thing and yet the funniest thing. The bus driver was actually a really good driver wasn´t speeding and took his time. We did hit some road construction where we sat there not movign for a good hour. That sucked... but i had to pee really bad so it was good ( this is Sara writing this). All the men got off the bus to check out the construction while the wome and babies stayed on the bus.

We got into Tena around 445pm and found our hostel no problem. It is a nice area it reminds us of Laos. It isn´t super touristy right now because its off season so its a nice feel. Our room is overlooking the Napa river which is a nice green-torquise blue unlike Laos muddy brown colour. Marilyn was anxious to get a tour booked for the jungle for tomorrow morning so Tyson and I and her went looking at tour companys. Peter got a terrible migrane after the bus and has been sleeping all night hopefully he will be better for tomorrow and for the jungle tour. We talked to two companies. We decided to go for 3 days and 2 nights. One night we will be just staying in lodges and the other night in a village. We will have a guide and it will just be the 4 of us so it should be interesting. It is super hot here like sticky icky hot and really different from Quito where it was freezing... plus 10 or so. (We keep comparing it to Laos because that is the only jungle we have recently been in, and the country side from a bus window looks so similar).

So we won´t be blogging for a couple of days due to being in the Amazon but we will be back Friday afternoon sometime and will fill you in then. Maybe I can find a helper monkey this time!

1 comment:

Meo said...

Hahaha, I've seen you with panties on your head before but they were yours so not as gross! I am picturing everything as being similar to Peru...there was always a guy whose job it was to shout out the name of the town where his bus was going, and it seemed like a competition to see who could yell it the loudest and fastest. The funniest was Arequipa, try saying that really fast 5 times! Have fun in the jungle and don't get bitten by anything! It's -11 here this morning, so enjoy sweating your butts off!