Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How do you say, "Do you want to come back to Canada with us in Thai?"


This morning we slept in a little (8:30am), Tyson still slept while I used the internet in the morning for a little bit. We had breakfast and I finally got a crepe. We were both a little upset that our hotel had changed the way they do breakfast no more buffet style, which means no more 3 plates of fruit, and Tysons fried rice and noodles and such, but the adding of now being able to get a pancake is nice.

After breaky we went on the sky train down to the boats, to take a boat to see the Royal Palace. Man that place is HUGE! With a lot of tourists ... sigh. We were in no mood to get ripped off or scammed anymore so when a lady was like yelling at me to come there.. we quickly ignored her and kept walking. There was scam artists left right and center "Come on boat trip", "The palace is closed right now, we take you somewhere else", etc. When we got to the gate to get in, I was not allowed in, my capri pants .. literally were 1-2mm from the cut off point. We thought for sure they just had to cover the knees, which they did, but no dice. So we had to go back to the front to rent a long skirt which was fine and free. From there we did the palace in about an hour. Part of it was closed do to a "lying in state ceremony" whatever that is?

From there we did the unimaginable... went to Koh San Road... For anyone whos been to Bangkok you probably know this road all too well, we try to stay clear of it. But we thought we should check it out to say we did. That we did... a little overwhelming, at times i didn't even feel like i was in Thailand but in downtown calgary on kennsington street. English music, mcdonalds, burger king you know the usual. We looked around for a bit and then decided to get some lunch at this great italian place. Pricey but good.

After lunch we went to go pick up Tysons suit. He tried it on, it looks good I think.. but he inspected it thoroughly because he knew he had been scammed so he was going to give them a run for thier money. He found a few easy flaws to fix but he was going to make sure they fixed them. So they are going to fix them and have the suite delivered to our hotel room tomorrow morning. Other than that, i think he looks sharp in it. It is well fitted for once.. being a skinny man and all he tends to buy all his things WAY to big. Tyson says he disagrees.. but i guess he has to wear them.. but maybe he is just self conscious about his skinnyness. But its ok we love him for it :). He is really tired right now and kind of out of it so i can poke at him and make fun of him right now so i am taking full advantage.

After the suit we went to the giant shopping mall MBK. Man that mall sucks the time right out of you.. before you know it its 7:30pm. I was looking for another pair of jeans.. but its still not any eaiser ha-ha... Tyson took forever trying to find this wall buddha made out of wood that will never be perfect for him... he finds some flaw everytime we find one. It might be a long day tomorow. On the jean hunt we did find a sale for Puma shoes.. REAL puma shoes.. as they were still pricey but not as pricey as at home and they are pretty sweet looking. I am also on the hunt to find a shirt that I saw on Koh San Road and thought for sure i would find at the MBK.. but we looked and i don't think they have it..

We came back to our hotel and ate some dinner and then got massages.. hence where the title of the blog comes from. Man i really want to take a massusse (sp?) home. Like seriously 3 dollars for an hour massage its like 65 dollars in canada.. and were suppose to take care of ourselves and healthy living they need to make massages cheaper. I had a foot/leg massage which was amazing, and Tyson had the Thai massage which he says is really no different than a Lao one but still good. He says his stuffy nose got in his way to relax... Now we are writing you.

Tomorrow is our last day before flying the gruelling 16 hours home. Hopefully good movies and quiet planes. Tomorrow the agenda is back to more malls (this is the most shopping i have done since christmas time shopping.) And maybe one or two more temples well see how the day goes, we also have to get our bags all packed, make sure we have a taxi for 5:30am the next morning, and get some plane food because I hate the plane food on the plane, Tyson will eat anything put in front of him.. but i think its all nasty. Except for the little snack bags of like those pretzels japan air has a good combo of that.

Alright, off to bed.

Sara and Tyson

1 comment:

Meo said...

I look forward to seeing the new suit Tyson. Why aren't you getting one Sara? Oh right, cuz you get to wear comfy active clothes to work, not professional clothing! I showed your business card to Dawn and she wanted to keep it, I think she could hardly believe little Sara Jane is all grown up with a grown up job! Call me when you get back from the circus in Calgary.