Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mug Shots!!!

Warning, Warning, If you see these pictures on the news please phone in and say you know these two ridiculously good looking people. Well hopefully you never have to see these 2 pictures on the news. We thought we would post our mug shots (a.k.a our Visa photos) so that many of you could laugh , i think i look like i am about to cry, while tyson sort of looks like a serial killer.. shh don't tell him i said that. Would you let these two people into your country? I think that's why the Chinese consulate took their time in giving us a visa they were probably contemplating and doing many background checks haha. Hopefully the Russians are a little quicker in making their decision, i swear i do not want to go into your country to stir any trouble i just want to try your baking. That's right, I have made it my goal that in every country we go to i will try out their bakeries while it may be an odd thing to do, i can't see myself trying various types of meals, eww fish tasting broth for soup YUCK!!! Anyways speaking of baking, I must go to Starbucks and get my fill of Chi latte and a delicious scone... ok so maybe i am becoming a little "yuppyish" as my father would like to say. Whatever dad, you just bought new glasses at a hip store on whyte ave, who is the "yuppy" now?


Sara & Tyson

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Tick Tock Tick Tock!!!

So its been awhile since we updated! Mostly because we have been uber busy with finishing school and just finding enough time to eat and sleep!!! Travel plans are coming along and in a SHORT 7 weeks we will be on our flight to Beijing!!! Where does the time go?????? Tyson has pretty much been living at school trying to finish his big design project, and i said i was going to buy him a pull out cot so that he can just sleep at school because he spends a lot of time there... sometimes too much time!!! We are getting shot up on friday... no no not any drugs or anything just immunizations and stuff. We now have our Chinese Visas and have sent the paper work off for the rest of the visas that we need. Anyways, here is a map of where we are going and a tentative itinerary for our journey... i still can't believe he roped me into doing this! Seriously, i must have been half a sleep when he asked me to go to these places! Take a look at where we are going and if you want anything, you have to tell us because we can't read minds.. and we have very limited room in our packs so be cautious of that!

NOTE: Dots are for Flying, and lines are for overland.

Trip Plan

May 1 – Leave Edmonton and fly to Beijing
May 2 – Arrive Beijing
4 full days in Beijing
May 7 – Leave Beijing and fly to Chengdu
1 full day in Chengdu
May 9 – Leave Chengdu and fly to Lhasa
Approximately 6 days in and around Lhasa acclimatizing
13 full days hiking and exploring Tibet
May 29 – Depart Lhasa by train to Golmud, Qinghai Province, China
May 30 – Depart Golmud by bus to Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China
3 full days in Dunhuang
June 3 – Depart Dunhuang via mini bus then train to Turpan, Xinjiang Province, China
June 4- Arrive in Turpan
1 full day in Turpan
June 6 – Depart Turpan by train to Kashgar, Xingjiang Province, China
June 7 – Arrive in Kashgar
3 full days in Kashgar
June 11/12 – Depart Kashgar over the Torugut Pass to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
20 full days in Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek, Lake Issyk-Kol, Karakol, and Song-Kol
July 2/3 – Depart Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan by bus to Almaty Kazakhstan
6 full days in/around Almaty Kazakhstan
July 10 – Leave Almaty to go to Astana, Kazakhstan
2 full days in Astana, Kazakhstan
July 13 – Leave Astana to go to Lake Burnaby, Kazakhstan
July 14 – Leave Lake Burnaby to go to Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan
2 full days of extra time built in for delays or additional exploring
July 17 – Leave Petropavlovsk via train to Moscow, Russia
July 19 – Arrive in Moscow, Russia
3 full days in Moscow
July 23 – Leave Moscow, Russia by train to St. Petersburg
July 24 – Arrive in St. Petersburg
2 full days in St. Petersburg
July 27 – Leave St. Petersburg, Russia by train to Kiev, Ukraine
July 28 - Arrive in Kiev, Ukraine
4 full days in Kiev
August 2 – Leave Kiev, Ukraine, and go to Odessa, Ukraine
1 full day in Odessa
August 4 – Leave Odessa, Ukraine by ferry to go to Istanbul, Turkey
August 6 – Arrive in Istanbul, Turkey
5 full days in Istanbul
August 12 – Leave Istanbul, Turkey and travel by bus then ferry to the Greek Islands
12 full days on Greek Islands
August 25 – Leave Greek Islands and travel to Athens, Greece
1 full day in Athens
August 27 – Leave Athens, Greece and fly to Edmonton, Canada