Tuesday, January 2, 2007

4 months, at least 23 fights, and 7 visas to go...

hello boys and girls welcome to the adventures or as we like to call it "stroll" around the world (well almost). In a short 4 months you can check out this blog (OK were a little ahead of ourselves) and see how we are surviving in places like Beijing, Tibet, central Asia, Russia, and more. You have to keep checking if you want to see all the places that we are going to. Or stay tuned to see if i cash Tyson in for 3 camels, a goat, and a dog. Sara

That trade will only occur if I am able to drug Sara and throw her onto the plane, so we can actually start the trip. First thing first we both have a semester of school to go, plane tickets to buy, visas to arrange and shots to get. (Don't tell Sara that they might hurt). Have a great 2007, and please if you have requests for souvenirs we are taking American cash only as a deposit. Tyson